
Showing posts from 2018

The Privilege of Knowing Me

You No Longer Have the Privilege of Knowing Me You can no longer know about how happy or sad I am You can no longer know what makes me anxious What makes me excited There will never be another time when I'll allow you into my head Into my soul You lost that privilege It's not because you did something wrong It's not because I hate you I could never hate you You no longer have the privilege of knowing me because our chapter is done Over We both walked out Future chapters are now reserved for those who'll stay BECAUSE I DESERVE PEOPLE WHO STAY!  You no longer have the privilege of seeing me in awe of places I visit for the first time You no longer have the privilege of being incorporated into my everyday life No longer will you be able to laugh at my witty jokes No longer will you have the privilege of "people watching" with me Say goodbye to the conversations that will send you into the intricacies of my head Of my heart No lon...

My Top 10 Songs & Albums (2017)

I am finally revealing my top 10 songs & albums of 2017. It took two months, TWO MONTHS to think this through. It literally took a while for me to go through a lot of songs and albums. Out of 100 songs and 20 albums that I listened to during 2017, it was freakin’ hard! I gave you my top 10 OPM (Original Philippine Music) songs, K-pop songs & albums, and music videos; this is my last post of the #MUSICOF2017. So, here are my top songs & albums: Note: Judging the songs by lyrics and instrumentation. Judging the albums by the whole content and how well it was produced. - SONGS - #10 Give Love by Andy Grammer (feat. LunchMoney Lewis) Andy Grammar is known for positive songs like “Fresh Eyes”, “Keep Your Head Up”, and ”Honey, I’m Good”. Every time I listen to one of his songs, it puts a smile on my face. His single, “Give Love” gave me the same reaction. I’m a little shocked that this track is not popular like his other singles. If you’re a fan of summer laid ...

My Top 10 Music Videos (2017)

You know when you listen to a song, you sometimes visualize what the music video will look like from that song? I tend to do that. I’m a fan of music videos. It gives me a better understanding of a song or sometimes, it just gives me “WTF” moments. So, I really wanted to reveal my favorite music videos of 2017. Here it is: What I look for in a music video is the concept, visuals, and if it gave me a great first impression. #10 Like Me Better by Lauv (Directed by Alex Di Marco) I’ll start off with Lauv’s hit single, “Like Me Better”. When you put a young sweet couple and an old adorable couple in a music video, you know it’s going to be cute and romantic. This video just shows the young couple roaming around New York and having a really great time together. And what makes it even cuter is that they show their future selves doing the same things that the young couple were doing. I’m a little of a hopeless romantic and I love that there are scenes where young and old coup...