Stand In The Light

Once there was a child full of happiness and positivity. She grew up. Everything took a turn when all she saw was darkness. Most of her teenage years, she spent most days lying down thinking about nothing. That she was nothing. Waking up in the morning or at night, it didn't matter. Time didn't matter to her. She was just waiting for everything to end, that her life would end. And still, it didn't happen. During high school, she had a decent life. She would hang out with friends, would help others more than herself, would study her hardest, and try her best to impress her family and the people she met. She had one of the brightest smiles that she could give to them. And it seemed like it wasn’t enough. Her smiles were still there, but those smiles didn't compare what she felt inside. Being a teenager wasn't easy. She's been called worthless, a quitter, stupid, dumb, annoying, disappointing, weird, awkward, sensitive, shy, "not good enough...