Busy: The Worst Excuse

Dear You, Hi. I feel like I’ve been opening these notes by apologizing. Actually, I’ve been starting most of our conversations with “I’m sorry”s lately. Well, this isn't any different because I really am sorry that I’ve been busy. Before writing this entry though, I made sure that I really was busy because I want to be honest with you. First, I looked up the definition of busy: Busy: adj. 1. engaged in action, occupied 2. full of activity Then I checked my Google Calendar. In the span of two weeks I’ve been in 5 different cities. Whoa! And when I’m not out-of-town, I’m either at work or sleeping at home. Everything is just a blur. I don’t even have time to clean up after myself. I used to be a neat freak and now I’m just a slob (not to mention a fantastic example of unhealthiness). ...